Exporting / Copying =================== ``as_dict`` method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. automethod:: sty.Register.as_dict **Example:** .. literalinclude:: ../../sty/tests/docs/etc.py :language: py :start-after: Example("as dict") :end-before: # ===== End ``as_namedtuple`` method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. automethod:: sty.Register.as_namedtuple **Example:** .. literalinclude:: ../../sty/tests/docs/etc.py :language: py :start-after: Example("as namedtuple") :end-before: # ===== End .. _copy_method: ``copy`` method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The copy method allows you to create deep copies of register-objects. This can be very useful in case you don't want to mess with sty's *global* register-classes (sty.fg., sty.bg, sty.ef, sty.rs). .. automethod:: sty.Register.copy **Example:** .. literalinclude:: ../../sty/tests/docs/etc.py :language: py :start-after: Example("copy") :end-before: # ===== End